LPG / PNG / Natural Gas Burners
From Mechsolve
Adjusting the Air Pressure of the Riello Gas Burner
- Switch off the equipment and ensure there is no power.
- Turn off the Gas Supply.
- Remove the 4 mounting M10 bolts using an 12-13 mm Open ended Spanner, holding the burner in place.
- Remove the burner out of the oven and place it aside.
- Remove the Red Cover of the burner by removing the screws using a star Screw Driver. Place the screws and the cover aside.
- Locate the Air Flow plate mounted on the blower.
- Loosen the screw using s tart screw driver and rotate the plate clockwise to allow more air or anticlockwise to allow less air. Once it's adjusted, tighten the screw.
- Put back the Red Cover that was removed in point 5 and tighten the screws with the star screw driver.
- Put the burner back in the same place as it was removed from.
- Put back the 4 M10 Screws and tighten then using the 12-13 open ended spanner.
- Connect the gas pipes back and turn the gas supply on. Ensure there is no gas leakage.
- Switch on the equipment.
Adjusting the Gas flow of the Riello Gas Burner
- Switch off the equipment and ensure there is no power.
- Turn off the Gas Supply.
- Remove the 4 mounting M10 bolts using an 1012-13mm Open ended Spanner, holding the burner in place.
- Remove the burner out of the oven and place it aside.
- Locate the Gas Flow knob in front of the burner.
- Rotate it clockwise for increase in gas and anti clockwise for decrease in gas flow.
- Put the burner back in the same place as it was removed from.
- Put back the 4 M10 Screws and tighten then using the 12-13 open ended spanner.
- Connect the gas pipes back and turn the gas supply on. Ensure there is no gas leakage.
- Switch on the equipment.
Adjusting the Initial Gas Pressure of the Riello Gas Burner
- Switch off the equipment and ensure there is no power.
- Turn off the Gas Supply.
- Remove the 4 mounting M10 bolts using an 12-13 Open ended Spanner, holding the burner in place.
- Remove the burner out of the oven and place it aside.
- Locate the Gas Flow knob in front of the burner.
- Rotate it anticlockwise to remove the knob fully.
- Once removed put it back onto the screw in the backwards position.
- Rotate it clockwise for increase in gas and anti clockwise for decrease in gas flow.
- Put it back into it's original position and rotate it clockwise and tighten the same.
- Put back the 4 M10 Screws and tighten then using the 12-13 open ended spanner.
- Connect the gas pipes back and turn the gas supply on. Ensure there is no gas leakage.
- Switch on the equipment.
Adjusting the Initial Gas Pressure Switch of the Riello Gas Burner
- Switch off the equipment and ensure there is no power.
- Turn off the Gas Supply.
- Remove the 4 mounting M10 bolts using an 12-13 Open ended Spanner, holding the burner in place.
- Remove the burner out of the oven and place it aside.
- Locate the Gas Pressure Switch below the blast tube.
- Remove the cover by removing the star screws by using star screw driver and place it to the side.
- Rotate it clockwise to reduce the pressure and anti clockwise to increase the pressure.
- Put the the cover removed in Point 6 and tighten the screw with the star screw driver.
- Put back the 4 M10 Screws and tighten then using the 12-13 open ended spanner.
- Connect the gas pipes back and turn the gas supply on. Ensure there is no gas leakage.
- Switch on the equipment.
Replacing the Sequence Controller of the Riello Gas Burner
- Switch off the equipment and ensure there is no power.
- Turn off the Gas Supply.
- Remove the 4 mounting M10 bolts using an 12-13 Open ended Spanner, holding the burner in place.
- Remove the Red Cover of the burner by removing the screws using a star Screw Driver. Place the screws and the cover aside.
- Locate the Sequential Controller which is a black box.
- Using a screw driver, loosen the screws by rotating them anti- clockwise.
- Put the new Sequential Controller back in place of the one removed.
- Put back the screw removed in Point 6 and tighten the screw by rotating it clockwise.
- Put the the cover removed in Point 4 and tighten the screw with the star screw driver.
- Put back the 4 M10 Screws and tighten then using the 12-13 open ended spanner.
- Connect the gas pipes back and turn the gas supply on. Ensure there is no gas leakage.
- Switch on the equipment.
Replacing the Gas Pressure Switch of the Riello Gas Burner
- Switch off the equipment and ensure there is no power.
- Turn off the Gas Supply.
- Remove the 4 mounting M10 bolts using an 12-13 Open ended Spanner, holding the burner in place.
- Locate the Gas Pressure Switch near the blast tube.
- Using a Star Screw Driver, loosen the screw by rotating it anti clockwise and remove the Connectors by pulling it.
- Locate the other Connector using a Star Screw Driver, loosen the screw by rotating it anti clockwise and remove the Gas Pressure Switch by pulling it.
- Remove the Gas Pressure Switch by rotating it anti-clockwise and keep it aside.
- Put the new one in place of this and rotate it clockwise and ensure it's tighten it.
- Put the connectors back in place as removed in Points 5 and 6. Tighten the screws by rotating them clockwise.
- Put back the 4 M10 Screws and tighten then using the 12-13 open ended spanner.
- Connect the gas pipes back and turn the gas supply on. Ensure there is no gas leakage.
- Switch on the equipment.
Replacing the Gas Pressure Pipe of the Riello Gas Burner
- Switch off the equipment and ensure there is no power.
- Turn off the Gas Supply.
- Remove the 4 mounting M10 bolts using an 12-13 Open ended Spanner, holding the burner in place.
- Locate the Pressure Pipe near the blast tube.
- Rotate in anti-clockwise to remove it.
- Put the new one in place of this.
- Rotate it clockwise to tighten it.
- Put back the 4 M10 Screws and tighten then using the 12-13 open ended spanner.
- Connect the gas pipes back and turn the gas supply on. Ensure there is no gas leakage.
- Switch on the equipment.
Replacing the Electrode of the Riello Gas Burner
- Switch off the equipment and ensure there is no power.
- Turn off the Gas Supply.
- Remove the 4 mounting M10 bolts using an 12-13 Open ended Spanner, holding the burner in place.
- Dismantle the electrode assembly from the blast tube by turning the screw in the anti clockwise direction.
- Remove the connections and keep the burner aside.
- Remove the screw by turning it anti clockwise.
- Pull the Gas Tube assembly, and keep it aside.
- Remove the screws located on top with a star screw driver and place the screws safely.
- Remove the assembly and put the new electrodes in place of the removed ones.
- Put back the screws removed in Point 8 and tighten then using a star screw drivers.
- Put the Gas Tube Assembly back in place as removed in Point 7.
- Put back the screws removed in Point 6 and tighten them.
- Put back the connections the same way removed in Point 5.
- Assembly the electrode assembly back the same way as removed in Point 4.
- Put back the 4 M10 Screws and tighten then using the 12-13 open ended spanner.
- Connect the gas pipes back and turn the gas supply on. Ensure there is no gas leakage.
- Switch on the equipment.
Replacing the Capacitor of the Riello Gas Burner
- Switch off the equipment and ensure there is no power.
- Turn off the Gas Supply.
- Remove the 4 mounting M10 bolts using an 12-13 Open ended Spanner, holding the burner in place.
- Remove the burner out of the oven and place it aside.
- Remove the Red Cover of the burner by removing the screws using a star Screw Driver. Place the screws and the cover aside.
- Locate the capacitor near the blast tube. Loosen the bolt and nut from the grill. Keep it safely.
- Remove the capacitor and disconnect it. Keep in mind the connections.
- Put the new capacitor in place of this and connect it the same way as removed in the previous point (Point 7).
- Tighten the capacitor screw with the capacitor.
- Put the the cover removed in Point 4 and tighten the screw with the star screw driver.
- Put back the 4 M10 Screws and tighten then using the 12-13 open ended spanner.
- Connect the gas pipes back and turn the gas supply on. Ensure there is no gas leakage.
- Switch on the CS aerotherm Rotary Rack Oven.
The capacitor can be bough at a discount by clicking here.
Replacing the Air Pressure Switch of the Riello Gas Burner
- Switch off the equipment and ensure there is no power.
- Turn off the Gas Supply.
- Remove the 4 mounting M10 bolts using an 12-13 Open ended Spanner, holding the burner in place.
- Remove the burner out of the oven and place it aside.
- Locate the Air Pressure Switch, disconnect it and keep in mind the connections.
- Using a Star Screw Driver, remove the screws holding the Air Pressure Switch in place.
- Remove the Air Pressure Switch, and put the new one in place of this.
- Put back and tighten the screws removed in Point 6 with a start screw driver.
- Connect the Air Pressure Switch with the right connections as in Point 5.
- Put the the cover removed in Point 4 and tighten the screw with the star screw driver.
- Put back the 4 M10 Screws and tighten then using the 12-13 open ended spanner.
- Connect the gas pipes back and turn the gas supply on. Ensure there is no gas leakage.
- Switch on the equipment.